Best practices for developing APIs

Best practices for developing APIs

What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. A computer program can import or access data, features, and services from another program by following a set of standards, guidelines, and requirements. Simply put, APIs are a channel that apps or software programs can use to connect with one another.

The Facebook API is the most well-known and popular API utilized by mobile developers. It is mainly utilized during user registration. Limited access to Facebook member profiles is provided to mobile developers using the Facebook API. This simplifies the user registration process for mobile app developers.

The Google Maps API is another example. Apps that require mapping and location services are immensely popular with users. In contrast to the social APIs offered by Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, Google charges for its map API if the requesting application is paid or makes more than 100,000 API requests in 24-hour.

Since it eliminates the need to write each app program from scratch, API integration is essential for the creation of mobile apps. The development teams can use pre-existing programs or platforms that support API integration rather than recreating the wheel. It accelerates the release of their mobile app and lowers the cost of development.

Terms Frequently Used

API Key: The API key is a legitimate code that the owner of the mobile application sends to the API requester. It is for identifying the API receiver.

Endpoint: Two software systems communicate with one another over an API. One end of the channel is called the endpoint.

POST: An HTTP technique for creating resources with the RESTful API.

JSON: The response body and request parameters both employ the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data format.

GET: An HTTP method of obtaining resources from RESTful API.

OAuth: A framework for open standard authorization that allows access from the user's side without disclosing credentials.

Latency: The duration between a request and a response received from an API.

Rate-limiting: The process of limiting the number of API requests a user can make.

The Process of API Development

Let's say you are searching for a flight on a website. The website requests that you fill out a form with information regarding your preferred domestic or international flight route, preferred departure date, etc. As soon as you submit the form, you are given a list of different flight alternatives together with information about their costs, seat availability, departure times, etc. Ever pondered the process?

The website platform performs an API call to the airline's website to give users accurate information. The platform then shows the necessary information on the user's screen after receiving a response from the airline's website.

The airline's website and flight booking app/platform serve as the endpoints in this case, while REST and SOAP are used for communication. However, because SOAP APIs are so heavy for platforms, the majority of mobile app development companies favor REST over SOAP.